社会化电影评论网是一个发现电影资源和分享电影评论的网站,从古典电影到最新大片,在这里你总会找到意想不到的优秀电影资源。Goodfilms让你和你的朋友分享电影评论、影片推荐列表并帮助你找到你可以合法地在那里在线观看的电影资源;有时针对一些电影的批评是错误的,评论、分享那些你喜欢的和讨厌的电影。Goodfilms lets you and your friends share movie reviews, keep a list of films to watch, and help you find where online you can legally stream your favourites.We believe that sometimes critics get it wrong, and flops can be a lot of fun in the right moment.Rate, review, and share the films you love and the films you love to hate and we'll make sure you've always got something to keep you glued to the screen.Want to join Goodfilms? It’s easy, quick and free.