济南中豪大酒店,山东中豪大酒店是山东烟草公司全资兴建的国际四星级旅游涉外酒店。酒店坐落于名胜聚集,古迹众多护城河河畔,与解放阁、泉城广场、黑虎泉、趵突泉、珍珠泉、芙蓉街等自然文化名胜仅几步之遥。入住酒店客房,南望风景秀丽的千佛山,北眺碧波荡漾的大明湖,西靠灯火辉煌的泉城路,东临济南交通枢纽的解放桥。环境优美,交通方便,距济南火车站、飞机场只有十五分钟和四十分钟车程。Shandong Zhonghao Grand Hotel, situated on Jinan city moat, embraced by scenic spots and historical sites, is a four-star international tourism foreign- oriented hotel integrated with the functions of restaurant, accommodation, place for holding meeting and amusement. In the guest rooms of our hotel, you can overlook beautiful sceneries such as Qianfo Mountain from the north, the rippling blue waves of Daming Lake from the sout.