ProcessOn:在线商业流程设计平台是一个面向商业用户的专业流程社交网络,将全球的专家顾问、标准组织、知名咨询机构、BPM厂商、IT解决方案厂商和广泛的企业用户紧密的连接在一起,为其提供免费的流程在线创作工具和协作环境,并将之间的关系通过公共和私有设置严密保护起来。ProcessOn专注于流程管理领域,利用互联网技术颠覆了人们画流程的方法习惯,继而使商业用户获得比传统模式更高的效率和持续价值,改善人们对流程图的创作过程。创作者可以安全的邀请企业内同事或外部伙伴即时、协作的完成流程梳理,这意味着跨部门的流程梳理、优化和确认可以即刻完成。无论简单或者复杂的,ProcessOn全都可以处理,通过ProcessOn,您可以立刻创建流程图并把它分享给您的朋友、同事、业务合作伙伴以及您的客户。您再也不用担心流程图文件格式的问题,您需要的仅仅是一个浏览器。ProcessOn为您提供类似于Microsoft Visio的专业设计工具,它使您能够创建或甚至将流程转换为BPMN、EPC EVC,和许多其他的标准格式。您只需要一个浏览器,就能在旅行途中或者在朋友家里创作并立即分享给您的合作伙伴。You can instantly create process diagrams and share with your friends, colleagues, business partners, and even your clients. You no longer need to worry about file format of the diagram, all you need is a browser.ProcessOn provides you with professional design tools similar to Microsoft Visio where it enables you to create or even convert processes to BPMN, EPC, EVC, and many other standard formats. All you need is an Internet browser, draw while traveling or at friendâs house, and instantly share your diagrams with concerned parties.On ProcessOn, you can invite your colleagues, clients and consultants in a flow chart during a presentation or a discussion, collaborate on the creation of flow charts and improvements, with smooth, all in real-time!Share your process diagrams however you want with flexible privacy settings. Share privately between just you and your friends or share it with the world.ProcessOn provides a contribution from the public, the natural classification of the process knowledge base that you can Follow label interested in people and processes, real-time information flow will push your personal home page.